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701000 - MAXIMA RACING OIL Maxima Racing Oils, FFT foam air filter oil

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MAXIMA RACING OIL Maxima Racing Oils, FFT foam air filter oil

Artikel-Nr.: 701000
21,46 €


Maxima Racing Oils, FFT foam air filter oil

1 quart (946cc) bottle. FFT (Foam Filter Treatment) is a semi-synthetic foam air filter oil, designed through a 3-year development program to maximize collection of particulates and contaminants while ensuring optimal air flow. Does not plug foam cells. Dark blue colored for an easy visual check to ensure even coverage over all surface areas. - Okay for all foam air filters - Allows up to 12% more air flow than competitors - Catches up to 8% more particulates and contaminates than competitors - Water & gasoline 'fogging' resistant - Will not degrade foam material or dry out


MAXIMA RACING OIL / Motorcycle Storehouse