Kawasaki: 80-81 Z440C1/2 (Fine splines); all Z440H1/2 (Fine splines); 85-89 ZX600A1/5 (GPZ600R) ; 88-94 ZX600C1 t/m C7(GPX600R); 90-92 ZX600D1/3 (ZZ-R600) Suzuki: 96-00 Bandit 1200 ABS; 96-05 Bandit1200 -1200S (GSF1200T); 81-82 GS550 MX,Z Katana; 77-79 GS550B, (Drum Brake) ; 78-82 GS550EC,N,T(Disc Brake); 79-81 GS550LT,LX Chopper; 95-99 GSF600 Bandit; 00-04 GSF600 Y Bandit; 00-04 GSF600S Y Bandit ; 05-06 GSF650 N/S K5-K6 Bandit ; 05-06 GSF650 NA/SA (ABS) Bandit K5-K6 ; 99-00 GSX 1200 ; 93-94 GSX-R1100 WP,WR (530); 89 GSX-R1100K '89 (530); 90-92 GSX-R1100L,M,N (530); 88-89 GSX-R750J,K Sling Shot; 88-89 GSX-R750J,K Sling Shot ; 90-91 GSX-R750L,M ; 90-91 GSX-R750L,M ; 92-95 GSX-R750WN,WP,WR,WS; 92-95 GSX-R750WN,WP,WR,WS ; 90-96 GSX1100F-(L) J ~ T (530); 80-81 GSX400ET,EX (2 Cyl); 98-06 GSX600FW-FK6; 99-06 GSX750F,W,X,Y,K1-K5; 89-98 GSX750FK T/M FV ; 98-03 GSX750W,X,Y,K1-K3 ; 94-97 RF900RR,RS,RT,RV (530); 97-04 VZ800 Marauder V t/m K4 Yamaha: 89-90, 91-93 FZR600 ; 94-95 FZR600RF ; 98-03 FZS600 Fazer, Fazer SP ; 96-03 YZF600R Thunder Cat; 96-03 YZF600R Thunder Cat
JT Front Sprocket 519.15
JT steel front sprockets are manufactured using Japanese SCM420 Chromoly or C49 high carbon steel. Accurately machined with the tightest of tolerances to guarantee a perfect fit and chain alignment. Fully heat treated