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951579 - V&H Vance & Hines, VO2 Falcon air intake. weaved carbon fiber

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V&H Vance & Hines, VO2 Falcon air intake. weaved carbon fiber

Artikel-Nr.: 951579
687,74 €


18-24 Softail; 17-24 FLT/Touring (excl. Twin Cooled or models with fairing lowers/speaker pods; 2024 FLHX 117"; 2024 FLTRX" 117; 23-24 FLHXSE CVO 121" VVT; 23-24 FLTRXSE CVO 121" VVT; FLTRXSTSE CVO 121" HO); 17-24 Trikes (excl. 23-24 FLTR Freewheeler, Road Glide 3)


Vance & Hines, VO2 Falcon air intake. weaved carbon fiber

High gloss traditional weaved true carbon fiber elbow. The Vance & Hines VO2 Falcon air cleaner delivers. Improved engine performance with that all important touch of class and style. With large billet aluminum inlet backing plate and venturi entrance for smooth air flow. The 90° slant nose oversize filter ensures better leg room and a higher flow of air into the engine for a bolt-on increase in power and torque. With a winged mounting base and integrated breather assembly give it a clean and streamlined hot rod look. - The high flow filter element is constructed from water-resistant synthetic material that requires no oil - After cleaning, just rinse but do not oil - A rain sock is optionally available as 951592 for extreme conditions - A replacement filter element is available as 974965 (black) and 974966 (chrome).


VANCE & HINES / Motorcycle Storehouse