CCE Edition Forty Nine by BMG

8.64 8 896769 914694 922760 25561 12007 25562 5560004 5560005 629270 629262 25556 25215 888438 914696 910645 888439 22165 11998 19881 22169 629275 629260 629276 629286 25595 25619 629280 629272 888437 629274 11997 629261 High-Flow Replacement Air Filter K&N‘s high-flow air filters are available as a replacement for your stock motorcycle air filter element. They are custom engineered to fit your specific application and are designed to provide low restriction and increased performance, while providing excellent engine protection for your motorcycle. • Designed to increase horsepower and acceleration • Hundreds of sizes and shapes for most applications • High air flow with excellent filtration • Clamp-on washable and reusable air filter • Malleable flanges Unit: Each , Qty.: 1