Parts Europe IndianBook by BMG

200 PPE This logo indicates the article’s conformity with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/​425. (non-motorcycle articles, e.g. Watercraft articles) EC TYPE APPROVED This logo symbolizes that the conforms to applicable EU EC directives.Type approved means that a product meets a minimum set of regulatory, techical and safety requirements. ECE TYPE APPROVED This logo symbolizes that the article conforms to applicable UN ECE regulations.Type approved means that a product meets a minimum set of regulatory, technical and safety requirements. PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) This logo indicates the article’s conformity with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/​425. ECE R90 TYPE APPROVED This logo symbolizes that the article conforms to applicable UN ECE R90 regulations.Type approved means that a product meets a minimum set of regulatory, technical and safety requirements. ABE This logo symbolizes the article has been approved by KBA (German Federal Motor Transport Authority) for specific vehicle application. ECE R22.06 This logo symbolizes that a helmet, helmet visor/​shield or other helmet accessory has been tested and certified to ECE 22.06 regulation. CLASSE S.R.A. The logo symbolizes that the anti-theft device is tested and approved according to the SRA (SÉCURITÉ et RÉPARATION AUTOMOBILES France) rules for theft prevention.The classification in the “SRA classes” includes electronic protection systems (engine cut-off, alarm, etc.) and mechanical protection systems (U-locks, chains and disc locks). ART The ART quality mark symbolizes that the lock is independently tested according to the standard for two-wheeler theft prevention. (MBT-04) and certified by the ART Foundation.The locks are rated according to a 5 stars category designation system based on the use of a lock (bicycle, E-bike, scooter, motorcycle, other).The more stars a lock has, the higher its preventative value and the better it protects against theft. SOLD SECURE The logo symbolizes that the lock is tested and approved according to Sold Secure (UK’s testing and certification house for security products) standards for theft prevention. EU TYPE APPROVED This logo symbolizes that the article conforms to applicable EU Regulation (generally for newer products).Type approved means that a product meets a minimum set of regulatory, technical and safety requirements. TEILEGUTACHTEN (German Parts Certificate) This logo symbolizes that the article contains a TEILEGUTACHTEN (German Parts Certificate) to ensure the legal part installation. Issued by a German inspection body.