Speedo Seats & Luggage- racks Frame Chassis Suspension Forktubes Wheels Brake Fenders Gastanks Motorparts Gaskets Intake Transmission & Driveline Exhaust Electrical & Lights Handlebars, Cables & Mirrors Oil tanks Oil & Chemicals Fasteners Windshields Forward controls, Footpegs Miscellaneous ELECTRICAL - IGNITION, WIRING, STARTERS, REGULATORS & BATTERIES 15 1293 AFTERMARKET PARTS & ACCESSORIES FOR CUSTOM MOTORCYCLES / MOTORCYCLESTOREHOUSE.COM 929033 COLONY, ELECTRICAL TERMINAL PLATE Quality reproduction of the original items. 989644 49-57 B.T. 989645 58-69 B.T. 989646 70-77 B.T. Repl. 72300-71 989644 989646 COLONY, CIRCUIT POST REBUILD KIT Reproduction of a kit offered by Harley in the 1940's and 50's. Used to repair damaged or broken posts and insulators. Includes installation tool. 989649 30-48 all H-D 989650 48-69 all H-D NAMZ, BATTERY CABLE SETS Available in a translucent (see-through) clear or black 4 gauge wire with more than 1550 strands of individual wires. Lugs are silver tinned and come with 1/4" and 5/16" holes. Clear Black 548110 548134 6" (15cm) 548111 548135 7" (17.5cm) 548112 548136 9" (22.5cm) 548113 548137 11" (27.5cm) 548114 548138 13" (33cm) 548115 548139 15" (38cm) 548116 548140 17" (43cm) 548117 548141 19" (48cm) 548113 COLONY, ELECTRICAL TERMINAL BOX ASSEMBLY Quality reproduction. Properly insulated to eliminate grounding and includes necessary hardware. 513255 48-69 B.T. & 45" Flathead 513255 DYNA ELECTRICAL PANEL COVER Hardware to mount the cover for the 66333-90 electrical panel. Chrome plated. 929033 91-98 Dyna. Colony, acorn 975967 91-03 Dyna. GW, allenhead 975966 04-07 Dyna. GW, allenhead 975967 975966 COLONY, ELECTRICAL TERMINAL SCREW KIT Reproduction terminal screw kit. Zinc plated. 929673 23-65 6V H-D models COLONY, TERMINAL MOUNT KIT Reproduction of OEM mounting hardware for the electrical terminals to the frame. Contains insulators, screws and nuts as original. 989648 36-47 B.T., 45" SV 989648 929673 COLONY, ELECTRICAL TERMINAL PLATE Painted and pre-assembled reproduction. Includes mounting hardware. Repl. 72303-70. 989654 71-74 FX, 70-74 XL 989654 989649 COLONY, GENERATOR TERMINAL BOLT CLIP & INSULATOR KIT Reproduction of OEM 31096-58 terminal bolt clip and 31097-58 terminal insulator gasket as used on late model 6 and 12V generators. 590290 58-69 FL, FLH; 58-81 XL Sportster; 58-65 Servi-Car 590290 548134