Speedo Seats & Luggage- racks Frame Chassis Suspension Forktubes Wheels Brake Fenders Gastanks Motorparts Gaskets Intake Transmission & Driveline Exhaust Electrical & Lights Handlebars, Cables & Mirrors Oil tanks Oil & Chemicals Fasteners Windshields Forward controls, Footpegs Miscellaneous SEATS & SISSY BARS 03 163 AFTERMARKET PARTS & ACCESSORIES FOR CUSTOM MOTORCYCLES / MOTORCYCLESTOREHOUSE.COM 506221 506222 506225 506223 506224 LEPERA, SPRING MOUNTED SOLO SEATS Used with universal solo seat springs and mount brackets, like found later in this chapter. Built with LePera's high density marathon molded foam. 12" long x 9" wide 506220 Plain 507767 Pleated 508628 Daddy-O 508629 Bell-Air 15" long x 13" wide 506221 Plain 507766 Pleated 508644 Daddy-O 508646 Bell-Air 13" long x 13-1/4" wide 506222 Skirt 506223 Skirt and conchos 506224 Regal plush & skirt 15-1/2" long x 14-1/2" wide 506225 Skirt & studded 507766 507767 508628 508644 508629 508646 LEPERA, BUDDY BOY SOLO SEAT For this seat the tooling of original 70's LePera base plate is used, that´s old school to the bone. New is the Deep Dish high density marathon molded foam design. If a solo seat can feel snug and look cool, this one does. Includes a black powder coated universal nose bracket. 575381 Large. 15" long x 13" wide 575382 Small. 13" long x 9.5" wide 575381 575382 506220