Zodiac Bikers Book by BMG

www.zodiac.nl ´ 02-027 ´ Mini Low Boy Height Detachable Side Plates Docking kit Turn Signal Relocation kit FXST 2003-2005 086003 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FXST 2006-2015 086053 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FXSTB 2000-2001 086003 38cm 086081 086085 086082 FXSTB 2002 086003 38cm 086081 086085 086083 FXSTB 2003-2005 086003 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FXSTB 2006-2009 086053 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FXSTC 1984-1999 086003 38cm 086092 086095 086096 FXSTC 2003-2005 086003 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FXSTC 2007-2010 086053 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FXSTS 1984-1999 086003 38cm 086092 086095 086096 FXSTS 2000-2001 086003 38cm 086081 086085 086082 FXSTS 2002 086003 38cm 086081 086085 086083 FXSTS 2003-2005 086003 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FXSTS 2006 086053 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FXSTSB 1984-1999 086003 38cm 086092 086095 086096 FXSTSSE 2003-2005 086003 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FXSTSSE 2007-2009 086053 38cm 086081 086086 086084 XL Sportster 1994-2003 086100 28cm 086070 086071 Not required XL Sportster 2004-2022 086003 38cm 086065 086066 Not required Mini Low Boy Height Detachable Side Plates Docking kit Turn Signal Relocation kit FLST 2006 086003 38cm 086081 086086 Not required FLSTC 1987-1999 086003 38cm 086092 086095 Not required FLSTC 2000-2002 086003 38cm 086090 086087 Not required FLSTC 2003-2017 086003 38cm 086090 086088 Not required FLSTF 1990-1999 086003 38cm 086092 086095 086096 FLSTF 2000-2001 086003 38cm 086081 086085 086082 FLSTF 2002 086003 38cm 086081 086085 086083 FLSTF 2003-2006 086003 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FLSTF 2007-2017 086053 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FLSTFB 2003-2005 086003 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FLSTFB 2007-2017 086053 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FLSTFSE2 2003-2005 086003 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FLSTFSE 2006 086053 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FLSTN 2005-2017 086003 38cm 086081 086086 Not required FLSTS 2000-2001 086003 38cm 086090 086088 086082 FLSTS 2002 086003 38cm 086090 086088 086083 FLSTS 2003 086003 38cm 086090 086088 086084 FLSTSB 2003-2005 086003 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FLSTSB 2006-2017 086053 38cm 086081 086086 086084 FLSTSC 2005-2007 086003 38cm 086081 086088 086084 FXD 1996-2001 086100 28cm 086067 086078 Not required FXD 2002-2005 086104 28cm 086067 086079 Not required FXD 2006-2017 086003 38cm 086073 086074 086075 FXDB 2006-2008 086003 38cm 086073 086074 086075 FXDB 2009-2017 086003 38cm 086073 086072 086075 FXDC 2002-2005 086104 28cm 086067 086079 Not required FXDC 2006-2014 086003 38cm 086073 086074 086075 FXDF 2010-2017 086053 38cm 086073 089089 Not required FXDL 1996-2001 086100 28cm 086067 086078 Not required FXDL 2002-2005 086104 28cm 086067 086079 Not required FXDL 2006-2017 086003 38cm 086073 086074 086075 FXDSE 2007-2008 086003 38cm 086073 086074 086075 FXDWG 1993-2001 086003 38cm 086077 086078 Not required FXDWG 2002-2005 086104 38cm 086077 783400 Not required FXDWG 2006-2008 086003 38cm 086073 089089 Not required FXDWG 2010-2017 086003 38cm 086073 086076 086075 FXDX 1999 086100 28cm 086067 086078 Not required FXDX 2002-2005 086104 28cm 086067 086079 Not required FXST 2000-2001 086003 38cm 086081 086085 086082 FXST 2002 086003 38cm 086081 086085 086083 29308 DETACHABLE MINI LOW BOY SISSY BARS Sometimes you want a sissy bar, sometimes you don't. A detachable sissy bar is exactly what you need. All you have to do is install a docking kit, in fact small buttons that are hardly noticeable. When you want your sissy bar on the bike you just slide and click it in position. And when you want it off again, you just click and slide it off in just a few seconds. Please check the table below what parts you have to order as you certainly will need a docking kit, a set of detachable side plates and a Mini Low Boy upright. Some models also require a turn signal relocation kit. All parts are offered separately since components fit a variety of models. For unlisted models please check out our other detachable or rigid mount sissy bars. Low Boy Height Detachable Side Plates Docking kit Turn Signal Relocation kit FLST 2006 086001 50cm 086081 086086 Not required FLSTC 1987-1999 086001 50cm 086092 086095 Not required FLSTC 2000-2002 086001 50cm 086090 086087 Not required FLSTC 2003-2017 086001 50cm 086090 086088 Not required FLSTF 1990-1999 086001 50cm 086092 086095 086096 FLSTF 2000-2001 086001 50cm 086081 086085 086082 FLSTF 2002 086001 50cm 086081 086085 086083 FLSTF 2003-2006 086001 50cm 086081 086086 086084 FLSTF 2007-2017 086055 50cm 086081 086086 086084 FLSTFB 2003-2005 086001 50cm 086081 086086 086084 29301 DETACHABLE LOW BOY SISSY BARS Sometimes you want a sissy bar, sometimes you don't. A detachable sissy bar is exactly what you need. All you have to do is install a Docking Kit, in fact small buttons that are hardly noticeable. When you want your sissy bar on the bike you just slide and click it in position. And when you want it off again, you just click and slide it off in just a few seconds. Please check the table below what parts you have to order as you certainly will need a docking kit, a set of detachable side plates and a Low Boy upright. Some models also require a turn signal relocation kit. All parts are offered separately since components fit a variety of models. For unlisted models please check out our other detachable or rigid mount sissy bars. Sissy Bars SEAT