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938825 - Hastings, 114" M8 chrome piston ring set. STD

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Hastings, 114" M8 chrome piston ring set. STD

Artikel-Nr.: 938825
109,99 €


17-24 114" M8


Hastings, 114" M8 chrome piston ring set. STD

Standard cylinder bore: 4.016" (102mm). 1st. ring: 1.2mm. 2nd ring: 1.2mm. Oil ring: 2.0mm. Stock replacement for 114" models. Comes with a chrome top ring, a ductile iron Napier 2nd. ring and a chrome flex-vent 3-piece oil ring. Tech tip: Piston grooves vs piston rings. It's not difficult to determine if a Hastings piston ring set will fit a certain piston. You should measure the height of the piston groove in the piston itself. The 2 top grooves will be for compression rings, the lower groove will be for the oil ring. In most cases Hastings oil rings are of the low tension 3-piece flex vent type. Ring heights are listed for reference. Tech tip: Piston oversizes. For each oversize cylinder diameter will increase with .010" (0.254mm). The standard bore of the cylinder is listed for reference. (Information provided by Hastings Manufacturing Company, Inc.)


HASTINGS Piston / Motorcycle Storehouse